Cooked potato salad with TRATA smoked tuna piquant
  • 2 cans of TRATA Smoked Tuna Piquant
  • 200 gr of strained yogurt
  • 5 gr of garlic powder
  • 50 gr of basil
  • 10 ml of olive oil
  • 400 gr of potatoes
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
Preparation Time:30 minutes

Drain the smoked tuna piquant and keep the oil. Peel the potatoes, slice them, and boil them in plenty of salted water. They should become soft without falling apart. Prepare the yogurt sauce. Put all the ingredients into the blender and mix until a firm cream forms. When the potatoes are ready, drain them and let them dry. Put the oil from the tuna in a deep frying pan and heat on high. Place the potatoes in the frying pan and fry until golden brown, turn them over with a fork, add the onions, and let them cook for a few more minutes at medium heat. Serve with the yogurt sauce and the tuna piquant on top. Tip The most delicious potato salad that you’ve ever tried becomes even tastier with the new variety of TRATA smoked tuna piquant.

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for the recipe
Cooked potato salad with TRATA smoked tuna piquant
  • 2 cans of TRATA Smoked Tuna Piquant
  • 200 gr of strained yogurt
  • 5 gr of garlic powder
  • 50 gr of basil
  • 10 ml of olive oil
  • 400 gr of potatoes
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced

Drain the smoked tuna piquant and keep the oil. Peel the potatoes, slice them, and boil them in plenty of salted water. They should become soft without falling apart. Prepare the yogurt sauce. Put all the ingredients into the blender and mix until a firm cream forms. When the potatoes are ready, drain them and let them dry. Put the oil from the tuna in a deep frying pan and heat on high. Place the potatoes in the frying pan and fry until golden brown, turn them over with a fork, add the onions, and let them cook for a few more minutes at medium heat. Serve with the yogurt sauce and the tuna piquant on top.

The most delicious potato salad that you’ve ever tried becomes even tastier with the new variety of TRATA smoked tuna piquant.

Preparation Time 30 minutes
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